

Phygital Twin Runner Game

Phygital Twin Runner Game

Phygital Twin Runner Game

Phygital Twin Runner Game

Event Experiential

Event Experiential

Event Experiential

AI avatar photobooth
AI avatar photobooth
AI avatar photobooth

The Challenge

TCS, a global technology giant, approached NXT Interactive with a unique challenge: to create an engaging digital and physical experience for marathon participants in Singapore. The goal was to not only encourage physical activity but also to provide real-time feedback on participants' health and fitness levels.

The Challenge

TCS, a global technology giant, approached NXT Interactive with a unique challenge: to create an engaging digital and physical experience for marathon participants in Singapore. The goal was to not only encourage physical activity but also to provide real-time feedback on participants' health and fitness levels.

AI avatar photobooth
AI avatar photobooth
AI avatar photobooth

Our Innovative Solution

We responded to this challenge by developing a groundbreaking gamified fitness experience, the Avatar Experiential Race. This innovative solution combines the thrill of competition with the power of personalized fitness insights.

How it Works

  1. Personalized Avatar: Each participant creates a digital avatar that represents their current fitness level.

  2. Optimized Avatar Pro: Using advanced algorithms, NXT generates an "Avatar Pro," a digital representation of the participant's optimized self, calibrated to their ideal heart rate.

  3. Real-Time Competition: Participants race against their Avatar Pro on a treadmill, with real-time data displayed on a screen.

  4. Performance Insights: The system tracks heart rate, pace, and other vital metrics, providing real-time feedback to help participants optimize their performance.

Our Innovative Solution

We responded to this challenge by developing a groundbreaking gamified fitness experience, the Avatar Experiential Race. This innovative solution combines the thrill of competition with the power of personalized fitness insights.

How it Works

  1. Personalized Avatar: Each participant creates a digital avatar that represents their current fitness level.

  2. Optimized Avatar Pro: Using advanced algorithms, NXT generates an "Avatar Pro," a digital representation of the participant's optimized self, calibrated to their ideal heart rate.

  3. Real-Time Competition: Participants race against their Avatar Pro on a treadmill, with real-time data displayed on a screen.

  4. Performance Insights: The system tracks heart rate, pace, and other vital metrics, providing real-time feedback to help participants optimize their performance.

Are you ready to step into your imagination? NXT Interactive's AI Photobooth is waiting to paint your dreams into reality. Embrace the future of photography and let your creativity run beyond reality.

Are you ready to step into your imagination? NXT Interactive's AI Photobooth is waiting to paint your dreams into reality. Embrace the future of photography and let your creativity run beyond reality.

AI avatar photobooth
AI avatar photobooth
AI avatar photobooth

The Technology Behind the Magic

To bring this innovative experience to life, NXT utilized the following technologies:

  • Sensor Integration: Advanced sensors were integrated into the treadmills to accurately track each participant's movement and heart rate.

  • Real-Time Data Processing: Powerful algorithms processed the sensor data in real-time to generate personalized insights.

  • Immersive 3D Environment twin: A visually stunning 3Ddigital twin environment of actual race track was created to enhance the overall user experience.

The Impact

The Avatar Experiential Race was a resounding success, captivating participants and providing valuable insights into their fitness levels. By combining the thrill of competition with personalized feedback, Our solution empowered individuals to achieve their fitness goals in an engaging and motivating way.

The Future of Fitness

Our innovative solution represents the future of fitness, where technology and human performance converge. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, we are redefining the way we approach health and wellness.

Connect with us and learn more about how NXT Interactive can transform your next event?

The Technology Behind the Magic

To bring this innovative experience to life, NXT utilized the following technologies:

  • Sensor Integration: Advanced sensors were integrated into the treadmills to accurately track each participant's movement and heart rate.

  • Real-Time Data Processing: Powerful algorithms processed the sensor data in real-time to generate personalized insights.

  • Immersive 3D Environment twin: A visually stunning 3Ddigital twin environment of actual race track was created to enhance the overall user experience.

The Impact

The Avatar Experiential Race was a resounding success, captivating participants and providing valuable insights into their fitness levels. By combining the thrill of competition with personalized feedback, Our solution empowered individuals to achieve their fitness goals in an engaging and motivating way.

The Future of Fitness

Our innovative solution represents the future of fitness, where technology and human performance converge. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, we are redefining the way we approach health and wellness.

Connect with us and learn more about how NXT Interactive can transform your next event?

AI avatar photobooth

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Contact Us

NXT Interactive is a creative technology company that specializes in developing digital design solutions using Phygital Sol, AR, VR, Meta, and IoT for brands & events.

Feel free to reach us at

Australia Office


33 George St, Sydney, NSW

ACN : 684 618 193

‪+61 489 907 305‬

Head Quarters :

Singapore Office

16 Mohamed Sultan Road

NXT Interactive Pte Ltd

Contact Us

NXT Interactive is a creative technology company that specializes in developing digital design solutions using Phygital Sol, AR, VR, Meta, and IoT for brands & events.

Feel free to reach us at

Australia Office


33 George St, Sydney, NSW

ACN : 684 618 193

‪+61 489 907 305‬

Head Quarters :

Singapore Office

16 Mohamed Sultan Road

Contact Us

NXT Interactive is a creative technology company that specializes in developing digital design solutions using Phygital Sol, AR, VR, Meta, and IoT for brands & events.

Feel free to reach us at

Australia Office


33 George St, Sydney, NSW

ACN : 684 618 193

‪+61 489 907 305‬

Head Quarters :

Singapore Office

16 Mohamed Sultan Road

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© 2024 - NXT Interactive Pte. Ltd.